
Peter Fettke

Professor für Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Universität des Saarlandes und Forschungsgruppenleiter am DFKI

Prof. Dr. Peter Fettke is Professor of Business Informatics at the Saarland University and Principal Researcher, Research Fellow and Research Group Leader at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Saarbrücken.
In his research, Professor Fettke and his 30-strong research group focuses on the interface between the topics of process management and artificial intelligence (AI). In addition to researching the potential applications of AI technologies such as deep learning and process mining in an operational context, researching the impact of digitalization on business model innovation and modeling of business operations are also key areas of his work.
Professor Fettke is the author of more than 100 specialist publications. His works are among the most cited articles in leading international journals on business informatics and he is one of the top 10 most cited scientists at the DFKI. He is also a much sought-after consultant of prestigious conferences, journals and research organizations.